I built this platform on Next.js. An E-learning App helping people including students and businesses to learn many subjects such as growth hacking, digital marketing and UX/UI.


01 * UI/UX Design

Once the brand identity was established, I created the whole interface, from the User Interface (UI) to User Experience (UX) and ensured the platform had a consistent look & feel.

02 * Technical decisions

As lead engineer, I opted for Next.js early in 2018. SSR & SEO was the focus. To avoid costs of DevOps, we used Vercel to ease the CI/CD pipeline & iterate more quickly. For the back-end, I chose FaunaDB as it was the first serverless database available.

03 * Fullstack Developement

Architecture, database schema & relationships, front-end logic & routing… The plateform was refactored to use GraphQL & have a strong typescript codebase.

04 * LCMS

We could call it an LCMS has it provides many of the features : managing users, tracking progresses & creating content. We built the editor using Craft.js to preview courses & lessons following our UI. It provided many components like QCMs & exercices, which made the learning experience more interactive.